University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Business Office


The 立博app Business Office, conveniently located in Blackington Hall, offers a variety of services for students and parents.

In addition to maintaining all student financial information, Business Office staff are available to: answer questions about student accounts and payment options; process payments for parking permits and tuition; and maintain Mountain Cat Cash accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I know what I owe the university and when it will be due?

Fall term email notifications will be sent in mid/late July. We do not mail any paper statements. The notification will direct students and authorized users to PittPAY where they can view their itemized statement and total balance due. The balance will be due in full in September. The exact due date will be displayed in PittPAY on the Account Summary page. If you receive an email notification from PittPAY, please log into your account to see what is owed. We do not send notifications if the balance is paid in full. Spring term email notification will be sent in November with the balance due in January.

My employer is reimbursing me for my class. What should I do with the Term Statement?

Your employer can pay the bill directly, or you can be reimbursed for your payment. Check with your employer to determine the best option.

Where do I get a form stating that I am a full-time student for health insurance purposes?

All requests should be made with the Registrar's Office at 814-269-7055.

What happens when a check is returned Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) from the bank?

All NSF checks will result in a service charge of $25 per check and a financial hold will be placed on the account until the balance is paid.

How do I make a change to personal information?

Please follow these instructions provided by our Registrar's Office for making updates to your information. If you have any questions, they can be contacted at 814-269-7055 or

Is there a charge for an unpaid tuition balance?

Yes, if a balance is not paid by the due date, a late fee will be applied each month the account goes unpaid.


I have a private scholarship that does not appear as a deduction on my statement. What should I do?

If you have the scholarship check in your possession, mail it to the Business Office, along with the remittance slip on your term statement and any additional payment due. If your scholarship agency requires a billing statement from 立博app other than the statement posted in PittPAY, enclose a letter from your agency authorizing 立博app to bill the agency for payment. You may then deduct the amount of the scholarship from what you owe.


I would like to add/delete/change my meal plan. Can I just make the changes in PittPAY?

To request a meal plan change you must email Please include your name, student ID number, and the plan you are selecting in the email. Upon receiving approval, your Account Activity screen in PittPAY will be updated.


I would like to add/delete/change my residence hall status. Can I just make the changes on PittPAY?

First, you must contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life at 814-269-7115 or Upon receiving their approval, the Account Activity screen in PittPAY will update.


I have been charged non-PA tuition, but I think I qualify as a Pennsylvania resident. What should I do?

Please contact the Registrar's Office at 814-269-7055.


What do I do if my financial aid is not approved, or is in verification, and my account balance is due?

You may pay your entire balance in full or you may enroll in the optional payment plan and pay monthly installments of your total balance to prevent late fees.


I just got my refund check and I really don't need it. I would like to send it back to the lender.

You can return the refund check to the Business Office along with a completed "Request to Return Loan Funds Letter." This letter is required by your lender so that they can properly apply the funds to your outstanding loan.


I am expecting a student refund. What is the process?

In accordance with federal regulations, the University cannot begin processing aid until ten days before the official starting date of the term.

Refunds cannot be issued until funds are received and credited to your account. If you are signed up for eRefunds in PittPAY, your refund will be deposited into your account within 2 to 3 business days after your credit is processed. Otherwise, a refund check will be automatically generated and sent to you at your home mailing address in 7 to 10 business days.


How do I add money to my 立博app Mountain Cat Cash account?

Payments can be made online by visiting the Mountain Cat Cash page. If you would like to pay with paper check or cash, please stop by the Business Office in 125 Blackington Hall. We also take credit card payments over the phone at 814-269-7040.


I did not get a 1098-T form for my taxes.

Please visit our 1098T page for information on accessing your form online.


Why isn’t my $150 housing deposit deducted from my fall balance?

Housing deposits are deducted from the spring term and the tuition deposit is deducted from the fall term.


How do I accept my Financial Aid?

All students must accept their loans and/or work study awards online as soon as possible – but no later than July 20 – to ensure it is listed as anticipated aid on their Fall statement.

This is a requirement for all students receiving financial aid. If loans are not accepted online, they will not show on the student's account.

Accept or decline loans/work study by following these steps:

  • Log into
  • Search for/click the task PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX
  • Select Financials from the menu
  • Accept or Decline each loan